Feb 6, 2014

Beautiful Reminders

Here are some awesome videos and links of beautiful reminders.

Thank You, Mom, For Always Picking Me Back Up

P&G, you did it again! Sekali lagi, P&G sakses menusuk hati dan kelenjar airmataku, kesel deh. Ini adalah kelanjutan dari iklan versi pertama mereka, tentang bagaimana dibalik para atlet dunia (and every other amazing person in the world, basically), selalu ada ibu yang pantang menyerah. Versi Winter Olympics.

A Letter to A Person On Their First Day in The World

If you're having a shitty day, see this video and remember that all of your shits are very, very minor compared to our biggest blessing - dikasih kesempatan untuk hidup di dunia. 


Also, for you artsy people - here's a poetic piece. Sebuah balok kayu hitam sederhana, untuk mengingatkan bahwa we need nothing. Menurut gue, sih, agak ironis ya, mau mengingatkan diri untuk nggak bebelian kok malah disuruh beli sesuatu dulu. But of course, it's just a gimmick. The message itself is true and solid - you have everything, you need nothing.

*tutup semua tab OLS*
*tutup semua website maskapai pesawat*
*tutup dompet*
*tutup mata*
*selamanya* #HUS


Anonymous said...

Sukak banget Mba sama videonya soulpancake.. The reates blessing is to be alive. Thanks for introducing me! :)

prin_theth said...

Dani: Sama-sama Mas Daniii :) bibir bergetar sih nontonnya...

meeblog said...

aaakkkk....mbrebes mili mba'e

Nonikhairani.wordpress.com said...

videonya bikin mewek :(

Anonymous said...

merinding sebadan2 nonton yg thank you mom..
terhura sayah


prin_theth said...

Luar biasa yaaa... Duh, harus nonton iklan P&G yang versi pertama deh. Sebel, link yg aku tautin dulu udah nggak adiiin :(

Anonymous said...

gilak itu video P&G, belom abis gue udah nangis berleleran ahahhaha.. gileeee!! *kesel*

prin_theth said...

Marisss, lo harus nonton iklan P&G Olympics yang pertama! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V-20Qe4M8Y

Apa udah nonton? Feel-nya menurut gue lebih suediiih hahaha.

Anonymous said...

oot ya mbak lei, tapi gak tahan liat di youtube ada peserta indonesian idol yg IMO mirip bgt sama mbak lei http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/30xaZaZFdE4/0.jpg

Anonymous said...

tiap sedih lgsg ngetik alamat blog mbak lei, warm me a bit and bikin alibi biar org kantor ngiranya lg nangis krn saking lucunya T____T

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