"When you're a stay-at-home mother you have to pretend it's really boring, but it's not. It's enriching and fulfilling, and an amazing experience. And then when you're a working mother you have to pretend that you feel guilty all day long." -- Amy Poehler
(kesel sampe ketawa karena bener banget :))) -- L)
(kesel sampe ketawa karena bener banget :))) -- L)
More Gospel of Parenthood from my goddesses, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, here.
Ahhhh suka banget sama mereka... dan gue suka banget pas mereka kembali kepilih jadi host Golden Globe! Hihiy!
Leony: Suka banget! Saking suksesnya, diminta nge-host lagi yaaa.
As a fellow working mom, g sih udah over my guilt. I think to be a good mom, I have to be the best version of me, and buat g, itu termasuk masih pengen ada pencapaian secara karir. But, tentunya kapanpun prioritas itu adalah anak2 g. Untungnya so far, g masih bisa ngejalanin karir g dgn nitip anak2 g di rumah nyokap. Nyokap g jg former career mom yg sekarang dah pensiun is more than happy buat jd day care cucu2nya.
Lucky me to have it both ways.
I think to be a mom is a glorious experience, working or not. Buat g kaya mau ASI or formula. I refrained from judging, dah ngejalanin dua2nya by choice and by terpaksa.
And I hate the term full time housewife or mom, ngga mengecilkan yg milih buat ngga kerja, tp karena buat g, biar g kerja full time, I'm also a full time mom, emang apa g trus jd part time mom?
Heheheh sekian ranting g. BTW I love urs and leony's blog :)
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