Nov 24, 2012


The result of T's and Kak Rian's upcoming operation will be two opposites. It will make Kak Rian better, but it will make my husband weaker. The other will be saved, the other will be - in a way - crippled. No matter how 'noble' it sounds, I still don't know how to feel about that.

What's more, this isn't a "Namanya juga takdir" case, because unlike - oh let's say, tabrak lari - Kak Rian's current condition is actually avoidable, if only some particular actions were taken in the past. If only, if only, if only. Hence, on some days, I can't even look at her husband and my in-laws, whom I secretly blame.

We can say 'ikhlas' hundreds of times, but it remains one of the hardest things to do in life.


ochie said...

I know how it feels mb laila.. :(
May Mr.T will always be protected by Allah swt. I hope everything's gonna be alright. Aamiin.

Kiss for Raya ya.. :*

-ndutyke said...

*pukpuk Leija*

Kara Gunawan said...

i feel you lei :( this is one of those situations where it really is easier said than done. when u realize it's really no one's fault, yet your heart shatters into a thousand pieces, you don't know who to blame and where to channel your angers to. i can only say, be strong ya sayangkuuu. for you and your little family :)

anti said...

mba leiiiiii.. *peluk*

catfish, who loves tigerfish said...

Sabar ya bow..
Easier said than done, i know..
But i least do it in the name of Allah SWT, wajar bener kalo lo mikir mestinya, harusnya, kenapa sih, dsb dsb..

Tapi insya Allah di semua kesulitan pasti ada jalan. Semoga hal ini cepet lewat dan suami lo 'balik' sehat dan gak kurang suatu apa pun

*puk puk*

aisha said...

Aku gk pernah ada di posisi itu (dan jangan sampai T.T). Tapi sepertinya aku akan sm susah buat ikhlasnya seperti mba leija. Manusiawi, mba. Smoga Allah selalu menjaga mba leija, rayya dan mas T. Aamiin

PoppieS said...

Semoga selalu dikuatkan ya Lei.. secara fisik maupun mental, lahir dan bathin. Selalu. Amin.

Winkthink said...

*kirim sejuta peluk*

Mamamia said...

Peluk Mbak Lei... hiks.. Asli baca postingan ini nangis. Yang kuat ya Mbak. In a way, I feel you Mbak. Sometimes doing the 'right' thing doesn't mean it feels right.

Leony said...

Hadehhh bingung deh gue mau nulis apa. Kayaknya bener, cuma bisa 1, serahin sama yang di Atas. Manusia berencana, Tuhan yang menentukan. Crippled di mata manusia, bisa sempurna di mata Allah :D

miund said...

just read this. stay strong, Lei. sending prayers your way. *hugs*

ilmiy said...

pukpuk mb.lei....
stay strong ya mbak.. pasti dirimu, mas T n rayya bisa melewati ujianNya kali ini.. Semangat!!!

prin_theth said...

Super terharu atas atensi dan doa-doa baiknya :') Makasih banyak ya semua... Semoga lancar dan berlapang hati selalu, aamiiin

Anonymous said...

Be still and be strong in Him and for Him.
Big Hug from Maliana

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