Dec 22, 2012

Portrait of Presidency

Pete Souze, kepala fotografer White House, baru-baru ini membagi-bagi koleksi foto Presiden Barack Obama hasil jepretan timnya kepada publik, dan hatiku (meminjam istilah Nita) langsung menghangat :')

I share you some of my favorites.


President Obama greets the daughter of national security staffer during a departure photo in the Oval Office, Feb. 1, 2012

Malia Obama takes a picture of her father, President Obama, at the White House prior to his departure for the Inaugural Balls, Jan. 20, 2009

"A former President once said, 'Presidents don't get vacations, they just get a change of scenery.'  We were on 'vacation' in Martha's Vineyard and the President was monitoring Hurricane Irene with John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, at right in light blue shirt, on Aug. 26, 2011. They were waiting for a conference call on the hurricane with affected governors and mayors."


President Obama laughs as The First Lady pretends to be a majorette before addressing the United Nations General Assembly Reception at the New York Public Library, in N.Y., N.Y., Sept. 21, 2011. A marching band performed at the reception before the President and Mrs. Obama addressed the crowd.




"Visiting the Great Buddha of Kamakura, in Japan, the President had a green tea ice cream bar with his hosts, Nov. 14, 2010. He had visited this Buddha as a young child and said he remembered sitting in the exact same place having an ice cream bar."

"I can still hear these Irish girls screaming, 'Barack! Barack! Michelle! Michelle!' It reminded me of the old black and white video footage of American girls screaming at the Beatles in concert. These girls were cheering as the President and First Lady took the stage at the College Green in Dublin, Ireland, May 23, 2011."

President Obama fist bumps (how awesome is that? -L) a young person reaching through the door at the Cidade de Deus (City of God) favela Community Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 20, 2011

President Obama joins in a water gun fight with daughter Sasha during her 10th birthday celebration at Camp David, Md., June 11, 2011

The President dances with his wife while singing along with the band Earth, Wind and Fire, during the Governors Ball, the first formal function at the White House, Feb. 22, 2009

"We were on a freight elevator headed to one of the Inaugural Balls on Jan. 20, 2009. It was quite chilly, so the President removed his tuxedo jacket and put it over the shoulders of his wife. Then they had a semi-private moment as staff member and Secret Service agents tried not to look (AHAHAHA! -L)."

The President stretches during a senior advisors meeting in the Rose Garden, May 20, 2009

"We were walking through a locker room at the University of Texas on August 9, 2010, when White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson stopped to weigh himself on a scale. Unbeknownst to him, the President was stepping on the back of the scale, as Marvin continued to slide the scale lever. Everyone but Marvin was in on the joke."

and my ultimate favorite...

... pura-pura ketangkep spider web! Ack!

To see hundreds of more powerful, funny and sweet shots of the president of USA, go here.

Resmi sudah. Kalo udah jago, mau jadi fotografer kenegaraan aja deh *kirim CV ke Istana*.

Have a good weekend, semuwa!


anti said...

foto di lift kocak banget. liat muka stafnya yang pada pura-pura ga liat. hahahaha.
kalau presiden & ibu negara kita yang beradegan begini gimana ya mba? *ga mau bayangin* :))

prin_theth said...

Anti: Hahaha, entah kenapa aku nggak kebayang deh kalo Pak Beye dan Buk Ani. Tapi pengen banget sih nangkep kondisi candid beliau, leyeh-leyeh di Cikeas pake singlet dan sarungan. Aaanggg, makin pengen jadi fotografer candid keluarga kenegaraan, har har!

Anonymous said...

uwoooh, hati siapa yang tak akan menghangat lihat foto-foto itu yah. Keluarga yang sangat kereeen

Leony said...

Ya ampunnn... jadi inget tipe2 foto2 pak SBY sekeluarga yang tipenya saklek banget, walaupun gue akui, jepretannya Indra Leonardi emang keren. Tapi yah... coba ada yang model begindang!!

prin_theth said...

Bestimitation, Leony: Embuuuur. Dan kalo lo perhatiin, foto-foto Obama ini nggak rapih-rapih amat komposisi dan dll-nya. Tapi si fotografer sakseis nangkep momen-momen syantiks :) Emang biasanya it's either kerapihan atau momen sih...

Anonymous said...

Mbak, saya interested untuk pasang advertorial. Hubungin kemana yah? Boleh minta emailnya? Makasih.

prin_theth said...

Blackgold: Halo, boleh email ke lailaachmad at yahoo dot com

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