Jan 13, 2011

The Sartorialist

Saya orang paling nggak fesenebel sedunia. Beneran deh. Saya nggak suka nyentuh makeup kecuali kalo kondangan, nggak punya colour coordination, dan jilbab sehari-hari diuntel-untel aja kayak uni-uni mau nyuci di kali.

Tapi ini pengakuan ya: sewaktu saya mengamati boom fashion blogs taun lalu, saya sempet gatel pengen ikut tren (iiih...). Tentunya saya bukan mau menjadikan diri jadi lebih stylish, foto-foto tiap hari, dan dipajang di blog (Diana Rikasari, I cannot), tapi saya ingin mendokumentasikan para makhluk fashionable diluar sana, yang tentunya lebih sedap dipandang mata daripada dirikyu indang.

In short, I was trying to be Indonesian version of Scott Schuman, the brain behind The Sartorialist.

(bagi yang nggak tau: Scott Schuman adalah fotografer yang mendokumentasikan street styles di berbagai belahan dunia secara random, dan secara rutin dipajang di blognya, The Sartorialist)

Tapi ternyata kok susah bener. Baru mau nyamperin sesosok ABG berpenampilan necis aja, saya udah diliatin dari atas-bawah. Kenapa sih?! Takut foto badannya diganti jadi badan telanjang, trus disebarin di internet ya? Belum lagi teknik motretnya. Street photography ain't studio photography, and the people aren't paid, professional models. And the combination may result in great, raw pictures, or a total blur.

That's why it is intriguing for me to see how Scott performs his magic everyday, via Intel's campaign.

For the launch of Intel’s new 2nd Generation Core processors, Amsterdam Worldwide created the Visual Life campaign. Opening with the Invitation Film, AW encouraged viewers to upload and share their images and films on the main Visual Life website visuallife.

As further inspiration, Amsterdam Worldwide created a series of documentaries about the lives of inspirational bloggers. Bloggers who live particularly visual lives.

The first film follows The Sartorialist's Scott Schuman around just before the holidays to produce a seven-minute short documentary on how he works. As the film shows Schuman going for a haircut, walking around Manhattan and stopping people on the street for photographs, he talks about how street photography is something he wants to do for 30 or 40 more years to come, and how he imagines his chronicle of photographs and the subsequent comments they get "will look very interesting a hundred years from now," as attitudes and tastes change.

The Sartorialist is viewed by 70,000 people a day (!!!), so a place in the blog will most likely guarantees you instant fame -- at least among fashion bloggers. But how the hell do you increase your chance to actually appear in the blog? Refinery29.com tells you how. Hilarious and so true!


nyun.yuni said...

Gw pernah nyoba praktekin ini pas kemaren diekspor ke korsel, disana kan seru jg street style-nya. And yes, malah batal karena kayanya kalo mau foto yg ada diliatin segitunya..bubar deh niatnya..hahahah

prin_theth said...

Iya ih, ditatap dengan rasa curiga gitu ya

swas said...

susah, tapi, lei.. di mari jarang ada street fashion yang worth posting.. paling kalo lagi ada konser di bengkel coba ke grand lucky, deh.. abegealay ala rika dianasari orwhateverhernameis berparade dengan their too much heels and lack of taste.. akan lebih ke whodoyouthinkheare, sih.. tapi lumayan buat ngisi tabungan dosa hehehe.. yang menarik lagi mungkin ke manggadua, deh.. foto-foto enci-enci yg lagi blanja.. pasti lbh menarik foto tante2 dgn highlight burgundy dan ceramic perm itu drpd abegeabege..

prin_theth said...

Gue dulu pernah coba bikin seri fashion DUFAN. Lo tau nggak sih betapa anehnya fashion orang ke Dufan sekarang? Ada yang pernah pake gaun dan.... LACE. LAAACE! Nggak meleleh ya pake kebaya di Dufan?

But anyway Swas, I believe ur wrong. Street style bukan sama dengan fashion ABG / Diana Rikasari-ish. Gue sering sekali nemu bapak-bapak middle age yg sesimpel pake kemeja dan celana, tapi warnanya, attitudenya, bahkan ekspresi mukanya membuat the guy is Sartorialist-worthy.

I believe street style is not defined by ABG diana rikasari-ish, no? :)

My 2 cents.

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