May 30, 2012

On Your 32nd Week...

(heavily inspired by Tina Fey's The Mother's Prayer for Its Daughter)

For My Dear Son, On His 32nd Week

May you be born healthily, perfectly, and preferably,
From my vagina
Because C-Sect can be as expensive
As a Chanel bag these days

May you nurse happily from my breasts
And be nourished by the nutritious, God-given fluid
Without giving me sore nipple drama and rejections

May you be healthy and strong,
And rarely get sick
So I will not have to be pressurized
To RUM or not to RUM

May you have smooth, angelic skin
Away from rashes and maladies
Particularly from imported cloth diapers
Because I have bought a dozen of those expensive stuff

May you be not ugly and weird-looking,
So families and friends won’t be stumped on what to say,
When they first visit you at the hospital
(for example, “Aduh, anakmu…. Mmm… Mirip bapaknya ya?)

Yet, may I never be blinded by your cuteness
And change your photo on my social medias profile
Every five minutes
Because, honestly, people don’t care

May we cherish our moments together,
And may you always think about me.

Never forget when,
I change your diapers 20 times a day
I sing you beautiful lullabies
I recite you heartfelt prayers
I cry when you cry
Especially on later years,
When you are offered the chance to
Do drugs, pre-marital sex, and speeding.

I love you, baby son.


winkthink said...

"Yet, may I never be blinded by your cuteness
And change your photo on my social medias profile
Every five minutes
Because, honestly, people don’t care"

Score! :)
Beautiful, witty pray mbak..both of you lucky to have each other :) I say -Amen- from here

Leony said...

And please, don't be mad, when you are much smarter than me, and I keep asking you "stupid" questions...

Huks... kadang gue suka ga sabaran kalo mama nanyain hal-hal kecil yang bagi gue cuma menjentikkan jari atau one click away, tapi buat dia begitu complicated... such as facebook..., and sometimes I felt guilty, karena gue yakin, sudah merupakan wish dia kalau anak-anaknya brighter daripada ortunya. And when (I think) her wish came true, guenya malah suka marah2... *jadi sedih...*

prin_theth said...

WInkthink: Aaamiin :) Thankyouu!

Leony: Bener banget ya Leee, gue juga suka gitu... Oh the irony of the wish :( That's why doa kudu paralel ya: semoga anak pinter, makmur, tapi dibarengi dengan akhlak baik dan humbleness #zleb

catfish, who loves tigerfish said...

May you have smooth, angelic skin
Away from rashes and maladies
Particularly from imported cloth diapers
Because I have bought a dozen of those expensive stuff
Naah yg ini nih gue korban iklan produk bayi di tv yg kulitnya pada mulus kinclong semua. Pas 2 minggu - 3 bln Saif selalu jerawatan pipinya, merah rash gitu, jelek deh..
Kata dokter itu lg develop imun sistem, kalo kebanyakan diciumin atau kena udara kering suka iritasi yg emng bisa sembuh dg sendirinya hehe..
Semoga ntr bayi lo gk perlu kena begituan, karna although it just tiny problems, but as a mother it was like huge one for me!

Anyway, komen si Leony bikin gue sedih deh. Sering judes sm nyokap kalo dia nanya sesuatu yg gk ngerti.. Hiks.

prin_theth said...

Amy Ijas: I can imagine! Haha... Pengalaman beberapa kali nengok bayinya temen, emang nggak semua 'smooth' yaa. Ssebenernya sangat nggak masalah, tapi kebayang genggeusnya di mata kita! :)

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